Thursday, December 3, 2009

This may be an old joke ...

.... but it is new to me and I found it on today's episode of Day by Day.

Amateurs built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic.

And, let me add, professionals gave us man-made global warming as well as Climategate.


  1. The 'What on Earth' catalog is a hoot! :)They have all sorts of things in there.

  2. Please can EU Ref become IE6 friendly again? I know I am in the dark ages but there is nothing I can do about it as this is a company computer.

  3. Chris, welcome.

    K, I have passed your complaint on to the relevant deparment. That's all I can do. You are not alone.

  4. Chris, welcome.

    K, I have passed your complaint on to the relevant deparment. That's all I can do. You are not alone.

  5. Chris, welcome.

    K, I have passed your complaint on to the relevant deparment. That's all I can do. You are not alone.

  6. May variation on the joke:

    Without central planning, you get the Royal Crescent in Bath, Edinburgh New Town, Lavenham, and Chipping Campden; with central planning you get Easterhouse, Wester Hailes, Harlow, and Milton Keynes.
