Sunday, September 26, 2010

Well now, should I care?

Frankly no. Or not yet. Let us see how Ed Miliband shapes up. The fact that he won because of a fiendishly complicated electoral system is not something the Cleggeron Coalition should be making much of. Are they not wishing to impose a fiendishly complicated system of elections on the whole country?

Yes, he won with the support of the trade unions. Well, that's just the way it goes. To argue as Damian Thompson does in the Telegraph that this means Ed Miliband has forfeited his right to lecture us on democracy is to miss the point. As long as Britain is an enthusiastic member of the European Union with the more than enthusiastic support of all the main party politicians none of them have the right even to speak of democracy. Not even when they are offering cast-iron guarantees.

My last thought on the subject is that the Cleggeron Conservatives who are rejoicing in Ed Miliband's election and crowing that he will be a walk-over may well be in for a nasty surprise. They thought Blair would be a walk-over and he was anything but; even Brown turned out to be a far harder nut to crack and, in the end, they did not win that election. Miliband, an intelligent if dishonest politicians (and while there are many dishonest ones there are few intelligent ones), a new face who might enthuse the party, may well turn out to be a very tough opponent. But we shall see. At some point we might have to care.


  1. I agree, have the Conservatives already forgotten that they failed to get a majority against the detested Brown? They may have serious problems against anyone with even a little more charisma, who come across as a decent human being on the TV.
    It's not as if Cameron is exciting the base and bringing the extra millions who voted for Thatcher back into the fold.

  2. "As long as Britain is an enthusiastic member of the European Union with the more than enthusiastic support of all the main party politicians"

    Good point.

    But it is hardly surprising that the political class having insulated itself from the population, through approved lists and central control of their respective party organization, should be enthusiastic supporters of the EU, the EU is an elitist organization.

    Party and EU fit together like hand in glove.

  3. Eventually the Unions will realize that there is no government in Westminster to negotiate with. When people notice the under-reported inflation they will need to strike to try and keep their wages in line.
    It is not impossible that EM will become the first main party euro-sceptic at the behest of the Unions.

  4. Nothing wrong with real elitism, based on ability, achievement and endeavour. That the EU is unaccountable and our politicians live in a bubble, as far away from the electorate in any real sense is a separate issue.

  5. No, the Unions are already doing the sensible thing: lobbying in Brussels. Strikes can be beaten, new regulations will be imposed.

  6. so tell me what to do :(
